2014 Sedalia

Our 52 Mile Day Turned into 59 unexpectedly...
longest we have ever ridden in one day!
Jeannie & Mike...AWARD for most Flat Tires with a record of 6
Security to the Rescue...11 Flat Tires over 2 days
3rd Annual Big Ride
Sept 20 & 21, 2014
96 miles with the train back
23 Participants
DAY 1...and we're off...
We met in Jeff City at 8:30am everyone was pumped and ready to hit the trail. After a week of worry and predictions of a rainy Saturday we were all so thankful for sunny and 80. We got our group pictures and were off by 9:30. Running 30 minutes behind my tight schedule we had some peddling to do. Past the Capitol and over the bridge we rode down to the Katy trail.
A FLAT ... Really? only 8 miles into our ride
and of all people it was me. The night before Mark installed metal inserts in my tire to guarentee protection from flats. Knowing that, I left my spare tube in the car thinking I could much better use the space on my bike. Who would have guessed. Thankfully chick support is not only at our roadside stops but on the trail with us. Three of our guy riders come up and saved the day. A little flip and fill and I was back on the trail and rolling. I can't imagine walking those 2 miles to our first stop. "Thanks guys!"
The ride was planned with stops about every 10 miles. Giving us a 30 minute break. We were way behind schedule with the late start and my flat. But this group was amazing and by lunch we were running ahead of schedule. This group was cranking. They were knocking my schedule out of the park.