2018 Columbia

We got new Biker Chick shirt printed for this ride. Our group was growing so fast we had names printed on them. Being over 50 no can can remember anything especially names.
7th Annual Big Ride
October 6 & 7, 2018
66 miles - 38 Participants
OK...your right I don't sleep. Gotta get the re-cap out of our successful seventh annual BIG RIDE!!! What a trip. Pictures are worth way more then the thousand words I could write about our weekend. Saturday morning teased all of us as we drove with beautiful skies 2 hours to Boonville. I was happily optimistic as I checked my weather app a dozen time feeling pretty good we would get this ride in. But as fate would have it the skies opened while gathering at the trail head and people darted into their cars. No one wants to start of long day of riding ~ wet! I had to make the call and decided to skip the 1st 14 miles and meet at our lunch destination, Les Bourgieous Winery. Not a bad place to wait out the rain overlooking the river under a nice dry covered shelter. The owners were gracious to open early and start selling food and drinks. You did not have to twist Security's arm on that one. It gave me plenty of time and a captive audience, literally, to give my "world famous opening speech" which was only 2 pages and not 6 this year. Everyone really looks forward to this every year. LOL. It gave us time for introductions and getting to know everyone. We had 12 newbies to the BIG RIDE experience.
Everyone was such great troopers and went with the flow. The sun came out, we enjoyed a quick lunch and jumped on opportunity to do what we came for - RIDE!!! We had a tricky time getting down the bluff on a very steep gravel hiking trail. We all walked our bikes to the bottom. It was 18 miles now to the hotel. The weather held so we added on 10 before turning on the spur accomplishing a nice 28 miles. Everyone was eager to get in more miles and enjoy the most beautiful section of the Katy. I wish I had a picture of what we faced the last mile.