2017 Columbia continued...
We came to a bike switchback I have never experienced in my life. It was at least a 70% grade straight up with 180 degree hairpin turns. I was not about to let this last leg beat me and insisted on riding to the top as many did. Not the best idea - I think I was still catching my breath later that night sitting at the hotel pool.
We got to the hotel about 4pm and had 3 hours for poolside happy hour before heading off to the Heidelburg for dinner. The weather cleared for the rest of the day and we enjoyed a great dinner on the rooftop bar. Things could not have worked out better.
​It was a game day call on Sunday as well. But again our weekend was blessed as we woke up to a lot of fog but no rain in the prediction. There is only one way to get 33 riders and 33 bikes back to the car and that is "ride". The group endured yet one more instructional speech and we were off ~ all downhill back to the trail. It ended up being great riding weather back. We saw some trees changing and it was a really easy ride with a few breaks. We rode past Rochport so we could go through the famous tunnel and then met the guys waiting for us trail side. Now how do we get back to the winery. That gravel trail we took down did not sound at all appealing. It was hard to come down, I can't imagine pushing a bike up. The other option was ride through town and out of main roads. Security was hesitate and did not think this was a safe option. But you put 38 heads together and someone came up with the great idea of Security taking the guys to our cars and them driving back to Rochport to pick us girls up. Loved it! I called all Biker girls to go with me and grab a donut at the festival while the guys were gone. It was a perfect end to yet another perfect weekend!! Everyone was on their own for lunch in town or just heading back to St Louis. We got home and no sooner than unpacked the skies opened up and it rained like I have never seen it. I happy to say this makes seven very successful Big Rides! Thanks to all who participated and bought shirts. We looked" fine" out there. Mark even made it to his playoff hockey game and WON!!!